Morel Of The Story...
It's morel mushroom picking season here in MT...the tail end of it, actually. Still, we've had much success on our outings to the regions of the West Boulder that were burned by last year's massive wildfires. Doolittle and I went out on Saturday and got about 5 gallons, enough to eat our fill and dry the rest for later use. What a treat to be able freely harvest a rare delicacy that the rest of the world pays as much as $300/lb for dried. I was reading a website this evening on preserving morels and one comment said, "Who has excess?!" Ummm, we do...the ones in the photos are those that we didn't eat for dinner. Plenty of excess over here...
Here are the shots from my 'Late Night Morel-Drying in the Bathroom" study. ha

Here are the shots from my 'Late Night Morel-Drying in the Bathroom" study. ha
