Dailey Lake

Sometimes it turns out to be a good thing to go off aimlessly with a camera. This is what I found on just such a trip. The only living creatures I saw along the way were cedar waxwings. At the lake, there was not a sound, not a breath of wind, and not a bird, animal or fish to be found.

Il y'avait une silence profonde pendant que le soleil se couchait. Il y'avait de la paix.


  1. ...and then, of course, moody landscapes - my favorite. I like your use of 'last possible light", it worked well for these images.

  2. Good stuff. That's cool you saw Cedar Waxwings, they are one of my favorite birds. The only place I've seen them is in Livingston in the bitter cold winter, snacking on dried berry's left behind on the bushes. Cool looking birds.


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