Well, I have been fortunate to find you all here in cyberspace and I am grateful that you have developed this forum to share our love of the photographic medium of expression. I am equally grateful that I live in our beautiful town of Livingston. I actually grew up here and after being gone for a few years, have found myself squarely planted back in the footprints of my roots, although slightly larger now. Anyway, I have been trying to figure out how I was going to begin to share the things i do with a camera with you and in my conundrum of sorting through thousands of possible emotions and wild expressions in my graphical file folder of the minds eye, I became quite sure that I couln't come up with one other thing than the most recent work I have completed. So, in an effort to introduce myself as a graphic artist and also to give a slight nudge to the amazing musical talents of my brother; I have provided the following. I hope you enjoy and i pray that no-one is offended by the potentially extreme graphical nature of this image. I will disclose that no photographers or photographic equipment was harmed in the making of this image. :-)
Enjoy and I look forward to chatting with and sharing our love of photography well into the future!!!
Kind regards,
I'm a bit behind on welcoming you, Eric, but thanks for your image and intro, glad to have you aboard.