last day of 2005

Last weekend, I had some time to get out with my dog and reflect about the last year. Going out with the camera is a good excuse to seek out new places and do some exploring. We hung out on the East Rosebud for a little bit. Afterwards, I went up the West Rosebud towards Mystic Lake in the Beartooths. I hadn't been up that direction before and wanted to explore. I didn't make it up to the lake, I got to the trailhead too late, it was getting dark so I had to head home. Look forward to going back to these spots and hanging out. Jay and Cody, let's take special LIPS photo trip up there sometime. Eh?
Way to go, Cre. Another post of fine shots. Let's set a plan to do Rosebud, Stillwater, all of it. Really.