Greeting Phoblographers,

Hey Cody thanks for the invite. Here are some photos I took while helping a photographer associate of mine while she created a fashion spread for Distinctly Montana - Bozeman lifestyle ad rag. Whatever that is! At any rate, I helped Alexa Miller with her shoot of my daughter Jennie Lynn and her friend Aspen in Yellowstone Park. The images below were stolen (with permission) while holding scrims, reflectors. It was quite different and I thought that the results of which are worth sharing.

I shot with my D2H which I've been doing more of lately.
I haven't blogged with photos before, so... here goes!

Later, Larry


  1. Welcome aboard, Larry. I appreciate your joining us. For those who do not know Larry Stanley, he is a recognized and accomplished professional photographer. He also happens to be the uncle of one of our little tribe's dearest, Theo Stanley. Great shots of the girls. I'm just getting into photographing people, and am loving it. Pictures that convey character can stop the world on a dime.

    I appreciate your input here and look forward to the collaboration.


  2. we need to get our main man Theo on the blog.


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